Captains of the Clouds Overview:

Captains of the Clouds (1942) was a Action - Drama Film directed by Michael Curtiz and produced by Hal B. Wallis and William Cagney.


Better-than-average WWII flag-waver, this time told from the point of view of the Canadians. Cagney and his daredevil flying buddies enlist in the Royal Canadian Air Force thinking that years of dangerous aerial feats have acquainted them with mid-air derring-do. The brash leader gets stuck with a civilian air convoy, but matures quickly when faced with a heroic decision.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


Academy Awards 1942 --- Ceremony Number 15 (source: AMPAS)

Best Art DirectionArt Direction: Ted Smith; Interior Decoration: Casey RobertsNominated
Best CinematographySol PolitoNominated

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Quotes from

Francis Patrick 'Tiny' Murphy: You know MacLean?
Scrounger Harris: Yeah, I've met him, but I don't like him.
Blimp Lebec: You don't like him? You should know how I don't like him!
Brian MacLean: And why do you say that? You know, I've always been very happy to see you. Look at Tiny. He never used to like me. Now he hates me.
[to Willie]
Brian MacLean: Willie!
Willie: Hello! Happy landings!
Francis Patrick 'Tiny' Murphy: [to Blimp and Scrounger] Oh, come on and sit down. Come on, come on here.
[to Willie]
Francis Patrick 'Tiny' Murphy: Listen, Willie, we want four black coffees and some cake.
Scrounger Harris: [to Willie] Make mine tea and charge it!

Emily Foster: Hey! What brought you back?
Brian MacLean: A whim.
Emily Foster: Well you can keep on going.
Brian MacLean: Oh you don't know me. I have a whim of iron!

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Facts about

Many scenes were filmed at the Chateau Laurier hotel in Ottawa, Ontario. The hotel, which still exists, was originally commissioned by Grand Trunk Railway chairman Melvin Hayes. Melvin Hayes and most of the new furniture for the Chateau Laurier were lost in the Titanic sinking which delayed the hotel opening in 1912 by several months.
The German fighter shown attacking the bomber group is a Hawker Hurricane in Luftwaffe markings.
James Cagney's first film in Technicolor.
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