Boy Meets Girl Overview:

Boy Meets Girl (1938) was a Comedy Film directed by Lloyd Bacon and produced by Hal B. Wallis, Jack L. Warner and Samuel Bischoff.


Snappy patter enlivens this screwball parody about two Hollywood screenwriters who are running out of ideas until they decide to make their friend's baby a star.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


BlogHub Articles:

Silent Movie Mini Scripts: Boy meets Girl…

By Movies, Silently on Jun 19, 2013 From Movies Silently

I had this idea rattling around my head and thought I would post on it. Famous last words. You know that old script shorthand: Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy finds girl. Well, I applied variations to silent stars. Obviously, these will not cover every single film these folks starred it but it d... Read full article

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Quotes from

Rossetti: I've got Larry Toms waiting in your office to hear your story. Come on.
Robert Law: We haven't got any stories.
J. Carlyle 'J.C.' Benson: Tell him one anyway.
Robert Law: Okay. Once there was a fairy princess who lived in a broken down castle, on a broken down river, with a broken down aunt. In fact, she was a broken down princess.

Robert Law: I was a promising young novelist. Almost won the Pulitzer Prize in nineteen thirty, and now in nineteen thirty eight, I'm writing dialogue for a horse.
Rossetti: Larry! Larry, take a breath. The boy's mean no harm. Exhale.
Robert Law: I smell carbon exhaust.
Larry Toms: One more crack...

Robert Law: Talk about scope sweep. Boy, what a set up!
J. Carlyle 'J.C.' Benson: What a love story!
Robert Law: A great love story.
J. Carlyle 'J.C.' Benson: A baby brings them together, splits them apart, brings them together again,
Robert Law: Boy meets girl.
J. Carlyle 'J.C.' Benson: Boy loses girl.
Robert Law: Boy gets girl.
C. Elliott 'C.F.' Friday: Boy, I think you got something. Let's try it out on B.K. while it's hot.
Larry Toms: Wait a minute. You can't act with a baby. They'll steal every scene.
Robert Law: Are you selling motherhood short?
J. Carlyle 'J.C.' Benson: Come on!
Robert Law: Come on!

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Facts about

The original award-winning play opened on Broadway in New York City, New York, USA on 27 November 1935 and had 669 performances. The opening cast included Jerome Cowan and Allyn Joslyn as Benson and Law, and 'Everett Sloane' as Rosetti. There were 2 revivals, in 1943 and 1976.
Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson were the first choices to play the main roles.
Janet Shaw is in studio records as "Los Angeles Operator" but she doesn't appear in the movie.
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