Ah, Wilderness! Overview:

Ah, Wilderness! (1935) was a Comedy - Drama Film directed by Clarence Brown and produced by Clarence Brown and Hunt Stromberg.

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Quotes from

Richard 'Dick' Miller: I'm afraid I was born a hundred years before my time.
Muriel McComber: I was born ten days ahead of mine.

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Facts about

That gazebo is still in place in Grafton, MA as of December 2010.
This film was the first to have media ads taken out campaigning for an Academy Award. The ads depicted MGMs Leo the Lion holding an Oscar, reading "You've given so much, Leo - now get ready to receive!" Despite the ads (or perhaps because of them) the film received no Academy Award nominations.
Will Rogers planned to play Nat Miller in this film, but eventually backed out of the project, enabling him to make the ill-fated airplane trip with Wiley Post to Alaska. The plane crashed, killing them both.
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