Zeppo Marx Overview:

Legendary actor, Zeppo Marx, was born Herbert Marx on Feb 25, 1901 in New York City, NY. Marx died at the age of 78 on Nov 30, 1979 in Palm Springs, CA and was cremated and his ashes scattered in the Pacific Ocean.


Zeppo, the youngest of The Marx Brothers, was born Herbert Manfred Marx on February 25, 1901 in New York City. Although older brothers Groucho, Chico, Harpo and Gummo would get their start, in varying degrees, in vaudeville between 1905 and 1910, Zeppo did not appear with his brothers on stage until 1915, when, at age 14, he appeared in a skit called ?Home Again? in a Flint, Michigan show ? probably the only instance when all five Marx Brothers appeared on the stage together. Shortly thereafter, when Gummo left the act to serve in World War I, Zeppo officially joined the troupe, performing through their final vaudeville years, then on Broadway and during their early Paramount films.

After appearing in five Marx Brothers? feature-length films, Zeppo left the act to join brother Gummo as a theatrical agent. Always adept with mechanics, he later became hugely successful as an engineer/inventor, achieving multi-millionaire status; he owned Marman Products which machined parts for our World War II efforts, and he invented a wristwatch that could monitor pulse rates of cardiac patients.




Marx was never nominated for an Academy Award.

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Zeppo Marx Facts
Since he'd missed out when his brothers received their nicknames, he was given one by his siblings. He was always practicing acrobatics, so he was named "Zippo" -- after "Mr. Zippo," the star of a well-known chimpanzee act. Feeling it was unflattering, he insisted it be Zeppo. Another version of this story , was that his name was changed to "Zeppo" in honor of the then popular "Zepplin".

His company, Marman Products, marketed and produced what came to be known as the Marman Clamp, which proved to have numerous applications in aircraft and aerospace, and is used to this day. The company eventually grew to two factories employing more than 500 workers. Marx would often hire studio prop men and unemployed big band musicians.

Throughout his life, he had many careers including inventor, talent agent, manufacturer, commercial fisherman, and grapefruit grower.

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