William Forrest Overview:

Actor, William Forrest, was born on Oct 10, 1902 in Cambridge, MA. Forrest died at the age of 86 on Jan 26, 1989 in Santa Monica, CA .



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William Forrest Quotes:

[first lines]
Critic #1: I call it a hit. What'll your review say?
Critic #2: I like it too, so I guess I'll pan it.

Gen. Ulysses S. Grant: Have you thought about how you're going to get back?
Col. John Marlowe: Have you, sir?
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant: Well, I guess I asked for that. I just hate to think of you spending the rest of the war in Andersonville; it's a hell-hole.

Thomas Milford, Owner Milford Farms: Did you buy anything?
Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: No, but I'm going to buy one now, if you'll sell. I saw a three-year-old of yours running in a selling race this afternoon, smallish sort of colt with big knees, Seabiscuit.
Thomas Milford, Owner Milford Farms: Seabiscuit? Why do you want him?
Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: Well, you can't shoot for the stakes all the time. I gotta have some horses for cheap races. He was entered for 6000. Will you take 8000 for him?
Thomas Milford, Owner Milford Farms: Well, I think so. How about it, George?
George Carson, Head Trainer at Milford Farms: The string's pretty large, boss. We've got a lot like him.
Thomas Milford, Owner Milford Farms: It's a deal, Charlie.
Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: Good. We'll get him tomorrow. By the way, Tom, I hired Shawn O'Hara on the strength of your letter.
[Mr. Milford and George look at each other and laugh]
Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: What's the joke?
Thomas Milford, Owner Milford Farms: Oh, nothing. Only George and I know now why you want the Biscuit. And listen, Charlie, when you get him back to California, don't let Shawn stable him in the living room!

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