Walter Rilla Overview:

Actor, Walter Rilla, was born Walter Wilhelm Karl Ernst Rilla on Aug 22, 1894 in Neunkirchen, Bezirk Trier. Rilla died at the age of 86 on Nov 21, 1980 in Rosenheim, Germany .



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Walter Rilla Quotes:

Serafis: I must tell you that the organisation to which you're taking such exception is mine.

Serafis: He's an odd character this Englishman.

Serafis: He seems quite determined to interfere, it would be unwise to delay things any longer.

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Walter Rilla Facts
Father of director Wolf Rilla

Returned to Germany in the 1960s and wrote and directed for TV.

German actor who began in silents who took his family and fled the Nazi regime in the late 30s, later capitalizing on vile, foreign-tongued villains in British espionage.

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