Job Actor
Years active 1919-1943
Top Roles Policeman in Speakeasy, Family Man, Skipper of Blue Gill, Rodeo Manager, Police Sergeant at Reformatory
Top GenresDrama, Comedy, Romance, Crime, Musical, Adventure
Top TopicsRomance (Comic), Pre-Code Cinema, Book-Based
Top Collaborators (Producer), (Director), (Director), (Director)
Shares birthday with Leo McCarey, Julien Duvivier, Ray Stark  see more..

Wade Boteler Overview:

Character actor, Wade Boteler, was born on Oct 3, 1888 in Santa Ana, CA. Boteler died at the age of 54 on May 7, 1943 in Hollywood, CA .



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Wade Boteler Quotes:

Michael Axford: Nobody can walk through solid walls unless he's a spook, but he's done it.
Britt Reid: You think the Hornet is supernatural?
Michael Axford: I wouldn't put it past him, and to think I was face to face with him and me without a gun!

[referring to way the police commissioner botched Red's investigation]
Red Barry: Well, he certainly settled that in a hurry.
Insp. Scott: Settled it? He scrambled it!

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Wade Boteler Fact
At the time of his death he had 3 sons in the service.

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