Vince Barnett Overview:

Character actor, Vince Barnett, was born on Jul 4, 1902 in Pittsburgh, PA. Barnett died at the age of 75 on Aug 10, 1977 in Encino, CA .


Short, jaunty, bald, fast-talking American actor with rolling, watery eyes and wispy moustache, who played runts, weasels, and whining Runyonesque gangsters, often in comic vein. One of life's losers on screen, but a well-liked and ubiquitous figure off it as an inveterate wisecracker and practical joker. In his twenties, Barnett was an airmail pilot who pioneered trans-American routes.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Vince Barnett Quotes:

Officer Gulliver: Mr. Drew, I've been thinking.
Franklyn Drew: No!
Officer Gulliver: Yeah. The first thing I ask myself when I investigates a murder is 'who done it'.
Franklyn Drew: Well that sounds logical.
Officer Gulliver: And the next thing I ask myself is 'who could do it.'
Franklyn Drew: And then?
Officer Gulliver: Then I ask myself again 'who wanted to do it.'
Franklyn Drew: And how do you answer yourself?
Officer Gulliver: Well... I ain't come to that yet.

[Angelo is answering the phone for Tony]
Tony Camonte: Hey, hey. Get a name. Get a name.
Angelo: [speaking into telephone] What's your name? No, no, I no wanna know what's your brother's name, I wanna know what's your name.
Angelo: Oh, you do, huh? Listen, I come on over there, I smack you right in the teeth! I get you, you brother...
Tony Camonte: Hey! What's the matter? That's no way to talk. Talk nice. Tell him to state his business.
Angelo: Go state your business!
[hangs up phone]

Franklyn Drew: Poison, all right. Familiar smelling stuff too.
Officer Gulliver: [smells glass] Boy! That guy'd drink anything that wasn't too thick to chew.

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