Tully Marshall Overview:

Character actor, Tully Marshall, was born William Phillips on Apr 10, 1864 in Nevada City, CA. Marshall died at the age of 78 on Mar 10, 1943 in Encino, CA .


American actor with straggly brown hair, a fine purveyor of dissipated evil and something of a rival to Lon Chaney in silent days as Hollywood's man of many faces. Originally intending to be a lawyer, he started acting on stage at 19 and played a wide variety of roles on Broadway from 1887. Marshall came to Hollywood at 50 and stayed for the remaining three decades of his life, his Fagin in Oliver Twist and high priest in Intolerance (both 1916) setting him up for a whole run of sometimes quite frightening deviants in silent films, culminating in his shuddery portrait of Gloria Swanson's lecherous uncle in Queen Kelly. He was often reduced to grizzled old-timers in sound films, but produced another memorable portrait at 78 as the fifth columnist Brewster in This Gun for Hire. Died from heart and lung problems.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Tully Marshall Quotes:

Salvation Jim: [to other gold-seekers] You hell-hounds! The devil's lollin' in the bay window of your souls while God's freezin' in the attic!

Old Peter: [to the new cons] The longer the term, the more good time they gotta give yuh.

Old Peter: [to Chuck and Clint as they are leaving] Have a good time, boys, but don't stay away too long.
Cliff Taylor: So long, Peter.
Old Peter: You'll be back. You'll be back.

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Tully Marshall Fact
In the 1920s, he and Marion Fairfax lived in a Moroccan home in Hollywood designed by S.O. Clements of the Frank Meline Company of Hollywood.

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