Samuel S. Hinds Overview:

Character actor, Samuel S. Hinds, was born Samuel Southey Hinds on Apr 4, 1875 in Brooklyn, NY. Hinds died at the age of 73 on Oct 13, 1948 in Pasadena, CA .


Although one's abiding memory of this American actor remains an image of him stretched out on a slab beneath Bela Lugosi's pendulum in The Raven, in fact he played scores of solid citizens through the 1930s and 1940s. Ironically, fair-haired (turning to silver), affable-looking Hinds was often cast as an attorney - his own profession before turning his hobby of acting into a profitable career in the early 1930s. Occasionally, his honest looks hid a streak of crookedness, a break he no doubt enjoyed after so much kindliness and wisdom.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Samuel S. Hinds Quotes:

Karl Ober: I can't work in New York anyway. Is this place far from here?
Pamela Drake: Oh, no, Mr. Ober, it's only Maine. You know where Maine is!
Karl Ober: No.
Pamela Drake: Oh, it's practically a few minutes from here! You could write fine there.
Sidney Simpson: 'A few minutes'!
Pamela Drake: [to Sidney, blithely] Yes!
[to Ober]
Pamela Drake: That's all, really.
Karl Ober: [wagging his finger] Then it isn't quiet enough. I have to go further away from New York.
Pamela Drake: Oh, good - it *is* far away! Takes a whole day to get there.
[to Sidney, brightly]
Pamela Drake: Really, I'm an awful liar, aren't I?
Sidney Simpson: Yes.

Judge Thaddeus Parks: How are all your lunies, Aaron?
Dr. Aaron Sylvester: [Dryly] Oh, they're still crazy, or at least I hope so.

Warden: Eddie, when you were admitted here, I gave you a choice of two roads to take. You took the right one, and it got four months off your stretch for you. Now, will you let me advise you again?
Eddie Ellison: Certainly, sir.
Warden: Something kept up your morale while you were up here.
Eddie Ellison: You're a good guesser, Warden.
Warden: Well, whatever it was, stick to it outside. Have you got a job waiting for you?
Eddie Ellison: The biggest and best job a man ever had.
Warden: Good wages?
Eddie Ellison: Not a cent.
Warden: Well, but how - ?
Eddie Ellison: I've had a girl waiting for me for eighteen months.
Warden: Congratulations, my boy. The very best of luck.

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Samuel S. Hinds Fact
He was a lawyer in Pasadena, CA, and used to act in plays at the Pasadena Playhouse as a hobby. Several producers were impressed enough with his stage work to offer him parts in their films, and after a few years he quit law and became a full-time actor.

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