Job Film, stage, television actor
Years active 1937-1969
Top Roles Oil Worker on Train, Mechanical Man Attraction Hawker, Engineer, Sheriff Olson, Extra
Top GenresWestern, Action, Adventure, Drama, Romance, Crime
Top TopicsSpies, Civil War, World War II
Top Collaborators (Director), (Director), (Director), (Director)
Shares birthday with Elia Kazan, Peter Lawford, Roscoe Karns  see more..

Roy Barcroft Overview:

Character actor, Roy Barcroft, was born Howard Clifford Ravenscroft on Sep 7, 1902 in Crab Orchard, NE. Barcroft died at the age of 67 on Nov 28, 1969 in Woodland Hills, CA .


The tall, solid, dark-haired, often mustachioed western villain who always looked as if he meant business, Barcroft's florid features were probably punched more often by cowboy heroes, especially in Republic 'B' features of the 1940s, than those of any other actor. After service in World War I, the man from Crab Orchard, Nebraska, or Weeping Water, Texas (according to which biographer you believe) tried a career as a clarinetist before settling into scores of films. In later years, he grew a bushy white beard for more sympathetic character roles. An infected leg wound led to his death from cancer.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Roy Barcroft Quotes:

Capt. Mephisto: Remember, any attempt to discover which one of the owners is my true personality will result in your immediate destruction!

Capt. Mephisto: You wouldn't dare trick me?
Prof. William Forrest: Trick you? I'd kill you if I thought I could escape afterwards! As it is, I'm obeying orders.
Capt. Mephisto: Don't tax my patience too far!

Stash: There's a big shipment coming in today - supplies and stuff for the new church - coming through El Madero Pass. We can grab it and sell it.
Nick Kovacs: We grab it... and burn it!
Stash: And sell the ashes?
Nick Kovacs: Where can we sell anything? We grab it and burn it! If shipment don't get to where she go, then they don't pay for it. And then ten thousand dollars is still ten thousand dollars waiting for us in one big bunch.

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Roy Barcroft Facts
Barcroft patterned his screen persona after Harry Woods, one of the movies' greatest villains. He even tried to imitate Woods' voice. Barcroft's on-screen voice was different from the one he always used when in front of the camera. (Revealed by his friend Clayton Moore in his autobiography, "I Was That Masked Man")

He had created such an indelible image as a western heavy that in the late 1960s, interviewers would express surprise at finding what a charming and friendly man he really was.

During his years as a freelance, Barcroft became such an asset as the villian in low budget westerns that in 1943 Republic signed him to an exclusive ten year contract.

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