Job Actor
Years active 1929-1961
Known for Nervous characters, cowboy star Eddie Dean's sidekick
Top Roles Press Photographer, Man Shot at in Men's Room, Bit Role, Vendor, Jake Hooper
Top GenresDrama, Western, Comedy, Action, Romance, Adventure
Top TopicsBook-Based, Slapstick, Pre-Code Cinema
Top Collaborators (Producer), (Producer), (Director),
Shares birthday with Patricia Neal, George Burns, Bretaigne Windust  see more..

Roscoe Ates Overview:

Character actor, Roscoe Ates, was born on Jan 20, 1895 in Grange, MS. Ates died at the age of 67 on Mar 1, 1962 in Hollywood, CA and was laid to rest in Forest Lawn (Glendale) Cemetery in Glendale, CA.


Bug-eyed and scrawny-necked, Roscoe Ates often seemed to be wearing funny clothes and hats the wrong way round. He began his career as a concert violinist, and moved into films cashing in by recreating a childhood stutter and making it part of his many nervous characters. Many times Ates would escape being browbeaten by heroes or would be henpecked by his screen wives. Most notably Ates became cowboy star Eddie Dean's sidekick in 15 1940's westerns.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Roscoe Ates Quotes:

Hattie Burns: You must be pretty proud of yourself, breaking up our meeting like that.
Peter Higgins: After that, you couldn't run for a streetcar!

Roscoe: [whenever he asks only one of the two Siamese twins to stay, and the twins have to leave together] You always use that as a excu-excuse, an alib-b-b-bi.

Roscoe: I'm not going to have my wife laying in bed half the day with one of your hangovers.

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Roscoe Ates Facts
Comedy actor, on stage from 1915, best known for his lugubrious face and nervous stutter. Played a sidekick named Soapy in a series of B-westerns released by PRC and Eagle Lion in the 1940's.

Appeared in "Wild Bill Hickok" serial (1938).

Known for his stutter.

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