Rip Torn Overview:

Actor, Rip Torn, was born Elmore Rual Torn Jr. on Feb 6, 1931 in Temple, TX. Torn died at the age of 88 on Jul 9, 2019 in Lakeville, CT .



Although Torn was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1983Best Supporting ActorCross Creek (1983)Marsh TurnerNominated

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Rip Torn Quotes:

Slade: Six stacks, is that right, Shooter?
Shooter: Six.
Slade: Well, we've been playing 30 hours... uh, that rate, six thousand, that makes roughly, uh, $200 an hour. Thank you for the entertainment, gentlemen. I am particularly grateful to Lancey, here; it's been a rewarding experience to watch a great artist at work. Thank you for the privilege, sir.
Lancey Howard: Well now, you're quite welcome, son. It's a pleasure to meet someone who understands that to the true gambler, money is never an end in itself, it's simply a tool, as a language is to thought. Good evening, uh... Mr. Slade.
Slade: Good evening, Mr. Howard.

Joe: ...You're all tripped out. Speed freaks. You're screwy, Baby! Ever see the inside of a 24-hour cold capsule? That's what your chromosomes probably look like. If I knocked you up, you'd probably have a giraffe.

Joe: You stink, you smell! You screw everybody! You fuck everybody! Don't You ever bathe?

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