Richard Johnson Overview:

Actor, Richard Johnson, was born on Jul 30, 1927 in Upminster, England. As of December 2023, Richard Johnson was 96 years old.



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Richard Johnson Quotes:

Gen. Charles 'Chinese' Gordon: Colonel, what are the chances of my sacking you as my aide?
Col. J.D.H. Stewart: If any exist General, please be assured that I'd be the first to point them out to you.

Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond: [hearing a fragment of a recording tape] "-ate the ruler of Ahk-"

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Richard Johnson Facts
Founder of United British Artists (1983 - 1987).

According to several sources, Johnson was at least considered for the part of "James Bond" in Dr. No (1962). Some say he was actually offered the part but turned it down because he did not want to sign a multi-picture contract. Nonetheless, he did play a very Bondian version of British detective "Bulldog Drummond" in two late sixties films, Deadlier Than the Male (1967) and Some Girls Do (1969/I).

Son of Frances Louisa Olive Tweed and Keith Holcombe Johnson.

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