Richard Egan Overview:

Actor, Richard Egan, was born on Jul 29, 1921 in San Francisco, CA. Egan died at the age of 66 on Jul 20, 1987 in Los Angeles, CA .



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Richard Egan Quotes:

Helen Jorgenson: [after she has seen Molly Jorgenson and Johnny Hunter kissing] Well, your daughter didn't waste any time. She's let that boy kiss and maul her her very first night here.
Ken Jorgenson: Where were they?
Helen Jorgenson: Down below me, in the garden.
Ken Jorgenson: If they had anything to hide, you think they'd do it right under your window?
Helen Jorgenson: Are you defending her cheap behavior?
Ken Jorgenson: Cheap? A girl kissing a boy in the moonlight? You know Molly's as decent as this boy seems to be.
Helen Jorgenson: [really angry now] No decent girl lets a boy kiss and maul her the very first night they meet! I suppose it's your Swedish blood in her. I've read about how the Swedes bathe together and... and have trial marriages and free love. I've read all about that. Anything goes.
Ken Jorgenson: [angry and disgusted] So, now you hate the Swedes. How many outlets for your hate do you have, Helen? We haven't been able to find a new house because of your multiplicity of them. We can't buy near a school because you hate kids. They make noise. And there can't be any Jews or Catholics on the block, either. And, oh, yes, it can't be anywhere near the Polish or Italian sections. And, of course, Negroes have to be avoided at all costs. Now, let's see: No Jews, no Catholics, no Italians, no Poles, no children. No Negroes. Do I have the list right, so far? And now, you've added Swedes. And, oh, yes, you won't use a Chinese laundry because you distrust Orientals. And you think the British are snobbish, the Russians fearful, the French immoral, the Germans brutal, and all Latin Americans lazy. What's your plan? To cut humanity out? Are you anti-people and anti-life? Must you suffocate every natural instinct in our daughter, too? Must you label young love-making as cheap and wanton and indecent? Must you persist in making sex, itself, a filthy word?
[Helen, without a word, leaves the room. Ken slams the door after her]

Martha Reno: Clint thinks the sun rises and sets in you.
Vance Reno: I know, Ma. That's just why I'm going.

David Sheppard: [to Joanna who is in a hospital bed] The doctor says it isn't serious, just too much radiation.

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Richard Egan Facts
A devout Catholic, who attended daily mass, Egan didn't marry until he was well into his 30's, an advanced age for the time. He believed marriage was a lifetime commitment and was waiting for the right woman to come along.

His only brother, Willis Egan, was a Jesuit and scholar.

Father of writer/director Maureen Egan.

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