Raymond Walburn Overview:

Character actor, Raymond Walburn, was born on Sep 9, 1887 in Plymouth, IN. Walburn died at the age of 81 on Jul 26, 1969 in New York City, NY and was laid to rest in Ferncliff Cemetery and Mausoleum in Hartsdale, NY.


Round-faced, brown-haired, mustachioed, pop-eyed American actor, a favorite comic character star of the 1930s and 1940s, often seen as phony military types and jovial confidence tricksters, and constantly surprised at the pricking of his own pomposity of bogusness. Excelled in the low-budget "Henry" comedies of the late 1940s and early 1950s. A most likeable rogue.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Raymond Walburn Quotes:

Mayor Everett D. Noble: She forgets her lines 'til rigor mortis sets in!

Judge Cameron: ...Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. Well, gents, there's twelve of you, and it takes twelve to make a jury. Now we got two men here to hang. But we are going to do it by the law. Hank, you be foreman.
Hank: Huh? Oh, all right, judge.
Judge Cameron: Lift your right hand. Do you solemnly swar to put the law on them bank robbers, so help ya?
Hank: I do.
Judge Cameron: That's the stuff, Hank! Now wait a minute, we got to have a little evidence... but very little!

Mayor Everett D. Noble: This problem is not local, it's national. In a few years, if the war goes on - heaven forbid - you won't be able to swing a cat without knocking down a couple of heroes. Now... are we going to be governed by young men - very young men - however well-meaning or patriotic they may be - whose principal talent consists of hopping in and out of wolfholes...
Political Boss: Foxholes.
Mayor Everett D. Noble: Huh?
Political Boss: They're called foxholes.
Mayor Everett D. Noble: ...talent consists of hopping in and out of foxholes and killing hundreds of enemies with one swoop of the sword. Or... are we going to be governed by respectable civic leaders of mature age who do not seek the appointment, but accept it as a civic duty. I refer to men like... uh, well... myself.

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Raymond Walburn Facts
While playing the juvenile lead in the play "Come Out of the Kitchen" starring Ruth Chatterton, Walburn was called to military duty. He joined the heavy artillery corps in training at Fort Hamilton and, during his first leave, returned to the theater to visit. The management, in a spurt of patriotism, allowed him to play his old part in uniform that night.

His first Broadway show "The Greyhound" (1912) was deemed a huge hit but its run was cut short by the "Titanic" disaster.

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