Olive Carey Overview:

Actress, Olive Carey, was born Olive Fuller Golden on Jan 31, 1896 in New York City, NY. Carey died at the age of 92 on Mar 13, 1988 in Carpinteria, CA .



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Olive Carey Quotes:

William 'Billy the Kid' Bonney: I haven't met a man yet that a bullet couldn't stop.
Dr. Henrietta Hull: But he isn't a man!

Lars Jorgensen: It's this country killed my boy. Yes by golly I tell you, Ethan...
Mrs. Jorgensen: No Lars. It just so happens we be Texicans. Texican is nothing but a human man way out on a limb. This year and next, and maybe for a hundred more. But I don't think it'll be forever. Some day this country's gonna be a fine, good place to be. Maybe it needs our bones in the ground before that time can come.

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Olive Carey Facts
Mother of Harry Carey Jr.

Olive's father, George Fuller Golden, was one of the founders of The White Rats of America, the first American union of vaudeville artists in 1900. It took its name from the British guild, The Water Rats ("Rats" being "Star" backwards).

Sister of actress Ruth Fuller Golden.

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