Norman Bird Overview:

Character actor, Norman Bird, was born Norman A. Bird on Oct 30, 1920 in Coalville, England. Bird died at the age of 84 on Apr 22, 2005 in Wolverhampton, England .


British actor with man-in-the-street air, usually sporting a toothbrush moustache. Referred to himself as "the man with the cardigan" and played numerous henpecked, inadequate, interfering or tentatively friendly little men or petty officials. Busiest in films in the 1960s.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Norman Bird Quotes:

Paul Farrell: Can I buy you a drink, M. Salon?
Salon: Oh, no thank you. monsieur. I am on duty, and when on duty, I allow myself three drinks only.

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Norman Bird Facts
Demobbed from the Royal Air Force in 1947, he appeared with repertory companies in Henley-on-Thames, Dundee and Northampton.

Grew a moustache to qualify for older character parts as it became evident that he was not being considered for those as a leading man.

His wife, Nona Blair, was the voice of Joan Burton in 104 episodes of "The Archers", the world's longest running radio soap (29 May 1950 - present).

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