Morris Carnovsky Overview:

Actor, Morris Carnovsky, was born on Sep 5, 1897 in St. Louis, MO. Carnovsky died at the age of 95 on Sep 1, 1992 in Easton, CT .


Morris Carnovsky was an American actor of long stage experience and a smooth, urbane manner. He was just as likely to play malevolent as well as benevolent roles in films, and was building up a useful list of credits as a Hollywood character player when his film career was destroyed after being blacklisted by the House Un-American Activities committee. He is now best remembered as the villain in Bogart's Dead Reckoning. He was a 'poor man's Luther Adlier'.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Morris Carnovsky Quotes:

Dr. Martin Stensgard: Sixtus Andressen, you're a man for whom we all have respect. You have taught our children... even some of us. We have found you to be wise. Surely in this matter, your wisdom...
Mortensen - Tailor: He's fallen asleep.
Sixtus Andresen: No, no, I was not asleep. I was thinking what to say when you asked me, and I knew that you would ask me. What can I say to you? How can I advise you? I've find now that I've lived more than 70 years, and all I know, I know from books, and in all the books I've read, not one do I remember that gives me an answer. Perhaps I read the wrong books. Forgive me if I've failed you. All this may prove a point.

Sixtus Andresen: [to Koenig] The individual man must stand against you like a rock.

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Morris Carnovsky Facts
He was a distinguished stage actor, and among his portrayals was a notable "King Lear".

He was blacklisted in 1951 during the McCarthy hearings.

Biography in: "The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives". Volume 3, 1991-1993, pages 99-100. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2001.

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