Monte Blue Overview:

Character actor, Monte Blue, was born Gerard Montgomery Blue on Jan 11, 1887 in Indianapolis, IN. Blue died at the age of 76 on Feb 18, 1963 in Milwaukee, WI .


Moon-faced American romantic lead with sleek brown hair, popular in silent and early sound light dramas, before moving into scores of character roles until his retirement in 1955, following a brief period working in a circus. Part Cherokee Indian, Blue began his career as a stuntman for director D.W. Griffith after periods as a cowhand, a timberjack and labouring on the railroad. Died from a coronary attack.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

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Monte Blue Quotes:

Unga Khan: Recall the troops. With those religious fanatics under control, I'll have no more interference with my plans to destroy the upper world!

Dr. Matthew Lloyd: [after putting a stethescope on a man's chest] I was sure it wasn't in your heart to refuse me a drink.

Diana Compton: Are you actually proposing to move this huge metal tower? Why?
Unga Khan: Because it contains all the machinery that has enabled me to harness the atom, the most destructive force known to science. Once I reach the surface I will become the ruler of the upper world... or destroy it!
Diana Compton: Professor Norton would never agree to such a fiendish plan!
Prof. Norton: He's insane if he thinks I will.
Unga Khan: We have ways of persuading people to do our bidding.

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Monte Blue Facts
Once appeared in a Harry Houdini movie called The Grim Game (1919) in which he did stunts in an airplane because Houdini had a fear of flying.

Once saved a chorus girl (Wanda Stewart) from serious injury by tearing her gown off after it had accidentally caught on fire during a stage performance in Seattle.

Father of Tove Blue Valentine.

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