Montagu Love Overview:

Actor, Montagu Love, was born Harry Montague Love on Mar 15, 1880 in Portsmouth, England. Love died at the age of 63 on May 17, 1943 in Beverly Hills, CA .



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Montagu Love Quotes:

Colonel Weed: [reading from the poem by the journalist, Rudyard Kipling] "Though I've belted you and flayed you / By the living God that made you / You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din."

[first lines]
King Philip II: The riches of the New World are limitless, and the New World is ours - with our ships carrying the Spanish flag on seven seas, our armies sweeping over Africa, the Near East, and the Far West; invincible everywhere... but on our own doorstep. Only northern Europe holds out against us; why? Tell me, why?

Ghabah: My young lion. Your people would gladly pay ten thousand francs to look at your handsome face again.

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