Michael Crawford Overview:

Actor, Michael Crawford, was born Michael Patrick Dumbell-Smith on Jan 19, 1942 in Salisbury, Wiltshire. As of December 2023, Michael Crawford was 82 years old.



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Michael Crawford Quotes:

Cornelius Hackl: Look, I'm dancing!
[carelessly backs into a chair and falls]
Cornelius Hackl: Uh, I was.

Cornelius Hackl: I've lost everything: my job, my future, everything people *think* is important, but I don't care - because even if I have to dig ditches for the rest of my life, I shall be a ditch-digger who once had a wonderful day.

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Michael Crawford Facts
Early in his career, he performed in the Shakespearean play, Coriolanus in the role of the Second Citizen and Second Serving Man. Interestingly enough, Gerard Butler, who played the phantom in The Phantom of the Opera (2004), also performed in the same play as a young man in the same role.

As a young boy Michael sold eggs from a stall on Brixton Market in London.

Since his divorce from Gabrielle (his former wife), he has admitted to phoning her just to hear her voice. He and Gabrielle are now close friends.

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