Merry Anders Overview:

Actress, Merry Anders, was born Mary Helen Anderson on May 22, 1932 in Chicago, IL. As of December 2023, Merry Anders was 91 years old.


Merry Anders was blonde with a slow-burning appeal reminiscent of Lola Albright. Career-wise she proved extremely tenacious despite an unassertive talent, continuing to star in 'B' features (some of them quite interesting) right up until the genre vanished.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Stars).



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Merry Anders Quotes:

Holly Dalton: You got a new lease on life, gents, so don't break it by moving!

Marigold Dalton: Holly, I'm scared!
Holly Dalton: I've been on the run for the past seven years and I'm still not over being scared. I guess if I wasn't scared, I'd be tired.
Marigold Dalton: I don't like felling scared, Holly.
Holly Dalton: You'll get used to it. The first time's always the worst.

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Merry Anders Facts
In 2005, resides in Encino, California, with her husband.

She had a daughter who attended Los Angeles Valley College in the 1970s. Apparently trying to follow in her mother's footsteps, the daughter appeared in college plays, for example, "A Midsummer's Night Dream," but without much acclaim or, as far as is known, without any professional appearances later.

Interviewed in Tom Weaver's books "Attack of the Monster Movie Makers" (McFarland & Co., 1994) and "A Sci-Fi Swarm and Horror Horde" (McFarland & Co., 2010).

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