Lotte Lenya Overview:

Legendary actress, Lotte Lenya, was born Karoline Wilhelmine Charlotte Blamauer on Oct 18, 1898 in Vienna-Penzing, Austria-Hungary. [now Austria]. Lenya died at the age of 83 on Nov 27, 1981 in New York City, NY .



Although Lenya was nominated for one Oscar, she never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1961Best Supporting ActressThe Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (1961)Countess Magda Terribili-GonzalesNominated

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Lotte Lenya Quotes:

[in Rose Klebb's Istanbul office]
Rosa Klebb: Corporal, I have chosen you for an important assignment. It's purpose is to give false information to the enemy. If you complete it successfully, you will be promoted.
[referring to a picture of James Bond]
Rosa Klebb: From now on, you will do anything he says.
Tatiana: And if I refuse?
Rosa Klebb: [icily] Then you will not leave this room alive.
Tatiana: I will obey your orders.
Rosa Klebb: Good. These are your instructions. You'll report to me here. But the Consulate Security Man must not know that I am in Istanbul. This is classified *far* above his level.
Tatiana: I will say nothing to...
Rosa Klebb: If you do you will be SHOT!
[slams her cane hard against Tatiana's chair]
Rosa Klebb: [flirtatiously] Come, come, my dear.
[Starts rubbing her shoulders]
Rosa Klebb: You are very fortunate to have been chosen for such a simple, delightful duty. A real labour of love, as they say.

[Punches Grant, who doesn't flinch, in the gut with brass knuckles]
Rosa Klebb: He seems fit enough. Have him report to me in Istanbul in 24 hours.

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Lotte Lenya Facts
Biography in: "The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives." Volume One, 1981-1985, pages 490-492. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1998.

In addition to her husband's legacy, Lenya was also a specialist in Brechtian theatre.

Is entombed, with Kurt Weill, at the Mount Repose Cemetery, Haverstraw, New York.

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