Joseph H. Lewis Overview:

Director, Joseph H. Lewis, was born on Apr 6, 1907 in New York City, NY. Lewis died at the age of 93 on Aug 30, 2000 in Santa Monica, CA .



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By Mark on Jul 1, 2009 From Where Danger Lives

Just after the war director Joseph Lewis and cinematographer Burnett Guffey collaborated on two prototypical film noir pictures for Columbia’s B unit. Both My Name is Julia Ross and So Dark the Night are suspense thrillers set overseas. While neither is a full-fledged film noir, each film has ... Read full article

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Joseph H. Lewis Facts

Brother of Ben Lewis.

His nickname was "Wagon Wheel Joe," a name he received early in his career when he was shooting B Westerns for Universal. He had a penchant for framing shots through the spokes of the nearest wagon wheel, to break up the visual monotony of a scene. Several of the editors at Universal complained to the studio brass that they had a hard time cutting Lewis' films because "he keeps putting these damn wagon wheels in front of everything." Director Oliver Drake, a friend of Lewis' and also his boss on those Westerns, jokingly referred to him as "Wagon Wheel Joe," and the name stuck.

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