John Archer Overview:

Actor, John Archer, was born Ralph Bowman on May 8, 1915 in Osceola, NE. Archer died at the age of 84 on Dec 3, 1999 in Redmond, WA .



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John Archer Quotes:

Jack Kelman: I'd rather drive girls than bananas any day!

Jim Barnes: Say, Doc, the ship's about ready to take off, isn't she?
Dr. Charles Cargraves: Except for tests and minor adjustments.
Jim Barnes: Well, what's the next favorable time?
Dr. Charles Cargraves: About a month from now.
Jim Barnes: No, I don't mean that. What's the next favorable time this month?
Dr. Charles Cargraves: [checking the calendar] The only favorable time this month is about 17 hours from now.
Jim Barnes: All right, that's it then. We take off in 17 hours.
General Thayer: Are you out of your mind?
Jim Barnes: I will be, if we run into any more red tape! Now look, there's no law against taking off a spaceship: it's never been done, so they haven't got around to prohibiting it. If we ask for permission, they'll find a way to block us. So we go now, as soon as we can!
General Thayer: In an untested ship?
Jim Barnes: How do you test a thing of this kind? It either works or it doesn't.

Lucy Summerton: John, we just can't let him ride away. If it wasn't for him...
Dr. John Storrow: Yes, he changed things for everybody in town. But, unfortunately, there's nothing we can do for him. I'll tell you one thing, none of us will ever forget the day that Bart Allison spent in Sundown.

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John Archer Facts
Father-in-law of Terry Jastrow.

In 1994, The Shadow (1994), a role which he played on radio from 1944-1945, was made into a film starring Alec Baldwin. Baldwin was the first actor to play "Jack Ryan" in The Hunt for Red October (1990). For the sequels Patriot Games (1992) and Clear and Present Danger (1994),he was replaced by Harrison Ford, and the character's wife was played by John's daughter, Anne Archer.

Father of Anne Archer, Gregg Bowman (from his first marriage), John Archer and Lisa Archer (from his second marriage).

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