Joan Sims Overview:

Character actress, Joan Sims, was born Irene Joan Marion Sims on May 9, 1930 in Laindon, Essex. Sims died at the age of 71 on Jun 28, 2001 in Chelsea, London .

Joan Sims was a cheery-looking, fair-haired British actress with a distinctive light voice and pinched lips. Almost entirely in comedy parts --- at first as curvaceous, man-hungry cockneys, sometimes with assumed upper-class accents, and later, with added weight -- she was a key member of the Carry On comedy team, usually playing nagging wives. She vanished from the cinema with the demise of that series.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Joan Sims Quotes:

Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond: Tell Major Shorthouse to call me an elephant.
Lady Joan Ruff-Diamond: He needn't bother I'll do it. You're an elephant!

Lily Duveen: You know it'll take ninety-nine years to clear up this dump.
Bert Handy: Yeah, well, step by step. That's the method. Little by little.
Sam Twist: Okay then, boss, where do we start?
Bert Handy: Well, I reckon to make it easier for us to walk about, we ought to sweep the floor first.
Delia King: I don't wish to interfere, but I'd have thought it'd be better to start cleaning at the top of the house.
Lily Duveen: Yes, quite right, I mean disturbed dust will only fall down and muck up what we've already cleaned up.
Francis Courtenay: Ladies and gentlemen, may I submit, with the greatest of respect, and for the sake of efficient team working, that we all belt up!
Bert Handy: Hear, hear!
Lily Duveen: Always the gent!
Sam Twist: Ooh, ain't he common!
Francis Courtenay: Let us put ourselves in the hands of Mister Handy and listen to what he says.
Delia King: Well, I bow to the majority, of course, but I'd like it noted that I did suggest the suggestion I suggested.
Lily Duveen: And very suggestive it was, too!

Joan Fussey: [Sid has taken Joan to the cinema to see a nudist film] You told me this film was all about camping!
Sid Boggle: It is. They've got tents, haven't they?
Joan Fussey: That's not what you're looking at!

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Joan Sims Facts
Anthony Asquith once told her that she couldn't play a serious role because she had such a happy cheery face.

During Upstairs and Downstairs (1959) she bruised her leg during a scene after falling over a suitcase. The pain got worse during the filming of Carry on Teacher (1959), she developed thrombo-phlebitis, and had her bad leg propped up on off-camera cushions during filming. The first-aid unit were not able to treat the condition and she was then hospitalised for 10 days causing filming to be rescheduled.

She entered hospital in November 2000. However complications of a routine operation caused her to slip into a coma. Her lifelong friend Norah Holland has spoken of the doctors' amazement at her strength and courage throughout her final illness. Ten minutes before Joan died, Norah spoke to her gently about Kenny (Kenneth Williams, Hattie (Hattie Jacques), and their time on the 'Carry On...' films. Joan died with Norah holding her hand.

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