Ian Hunter Overview:

Character actor, Ian Hunter, was born on Jun 13, 1900 in Cape Town, South Africa. Hunter died at the age of 75 on Sep 23, 1975 in London, England .


Tall, solid, pleasant, light-haired South African-born leading man who had long careers in Britain and Hollywood, mostly as quiet dependable types. Although perhaps not dynamic enough to become a top star, his range was wider than his constant casting as "other men" or members of the aristocracy would suggest and he gave a fascinating performance as the Christ-figure in Strange Cargo (1940).

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Ian Hunter Quotes:

Lloyd Rogers: [to Mary] Money! I've got loads of it, and I'm one of the unhappiest men in the world!

[last lines]
Mary Morstan: Please... ask me.
Dr. John H. Watson: Will you, um...
Mary Morstan: Yes!
[they embrace]
Sherlock Holmes: Amazing!
Dr. John H. Watson: Elementary, my dear Holmes, elementary.

Billy: Don't he get a badge or something?
Eric Keating: Well, he didn't give me a badge for him. But... wait... there's a United States eagle on this dollar. That's all you need!

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Ian Hunter Fact
Brother of Alexander Hunter; the political cartoonist on the Washington Times.

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