Hugh O'Brian Overview:

Actor, Hugh O'Brian, was born Hugh Charles Krampe on Apr 19, 1925 in Rochester, NY. O'Brian died at the age of 91 on Sep 5, 2016 in Beverly Hills, CA .



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Television.

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The Youth Leadership Foundation

By The Metzinger Sisters on Jun 28, 2017 From Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers

Back in 1958, , the handsome star of the popular western television series Wyatt Earp received a cable from Dr. Albert Schweitzer, a renowned humanitarian who was currently working in a hospital he built on the banks of the Ogooue River in French Equatorial Africa. The message simply rea... Read full article

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Hugh O'Brian Quotes:

Frank Hudson: A bullet hole can be explained in various ways.

[first lines]
Clay Gipson: How's that, Wade? Hit him every time!
Sheriff Wade Addams: Well, your marksmanship: not bad; but you speed, not so good. That's because you're wastin' a lot of time slappin' leather. You're wearin' your gunbelt a little too high. That's it, lower it a little. You gotta have your wrist just so it's about touchin' your gun handle. That's about right. Now watch... you watch his eyes, never his hands.
[Addams puts a hole right between the eyes of Tris Hatten's wanted poster]

Lt. Col. Travis: How do you feel, Jim?
Jim Bowie: I'd feel a lot better if somebody moved me out on that wall. I'll never get any shootin' done in here.
Lt. Col. Travis: Don't be too sure of that. There's a lot of 'em left out there. Some of them might even pay you a visit.
Sam: Just bring 'em in! Me and Mr. Bowie all ready for 'em.
Lt. Col. Travis: I don't think we won't have to bring 'em in, Sam. It looks as if they intend to come in on their own.

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Hugh O'Brian Facts
The Hugh O'Brian Acting Awards Competition was developed in 1964 at UCLA with cash awards going to acting talents.

Hugh O'Brian and teacher Virginia Barber had dated for 18 years before their marriage on June 25, 2006, at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, Calif. It was his first marriage; her second. She was 54; he was 83. The Rev. Robert Schuller, pastor of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, officiated, and the couple was serenaded by close friend Debbie Reynolds. Dubbed "A Wedding to Die For", the ceremony concluded with a cocktail reception.

Was the youngest Drill Instructor in Marine Corps history - Age 17.

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