Hugh Beaumont Overview:

Actor, Hugh Beaumont, was born Eugene Hugh Beaumont on Feb 16, 1909 in Lawrence, KS. Beaumont died at the age of 73 on May 14, 1982 in Munich, Germany .



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Hugh Beaumont Quotes:

Police Capt. MacTaggart: Who is this Mr. Martin?
Police Sgt. Mickey Ferguson: He's the kind they build jails for.

Doc, Police Criminologist: They're a lot of nice people running around, Doc.
Police Sgt. Mickey Ferguson: Yep, Mickey. You know, they're only two kinds of animals that make war on their own kind - rats and men... and men are supposed to be able to think.
Police Sgt. Mickey Ferguson: I think you've got something there, Doc.

Steve Clark: Listen, Julie. Get this straight. What I have I keep. That goes for the money, and it goes for you.

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Hugh Beaumont Facts
Beaumont was an ordained minister.

Appeared on the sly in educational and industrial films as both an actor and narrator.

Attended and played football at the University of Chattanooga in Tennessee, but left when his position on the football team was changed. He later attended the University of Southern California (USC), and graduated with a Master of Theology degree.

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