Job Actor
Years active 1917-1966
Known for Crusty types
Top Roles Dermot O'Riorden, Abel Magwitch, Emperor Franz Josef, Charles S. Rittenhouse, Dan Cody
Top GenresDrama, Western, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure
Top TopicsBook-Based, Romance (Drama), True Story (based on)
Top Collaborators (Director), (Producer), (Producer), (Producer)
Shares birthday with Leo McCarey, Julien Duvivier, Ray Stark  see more..

Henry Hull Overview:

Character actor, Henry Hull, was born Henry Watterson Hull on Oct 3, 1890 in Louisville, KY. Hull died at the age of 86 on Mar 8, 1977 in Cornwall, UK and was laid to rest in Rockland Cemetery in Sparkill, NY.


Henry Hull was a gauntly handsome American actor who, in his youth, strayed all to rarely from the stage in silent days and was well into his forties before becoming a regular cinema performer. After a couple of leads, including a haunting portrayal of "The Werewolf of London", he settled into character roles as crusty types and barking voices (High Sierra 1942), often in period drama, and just as likely to pop up on one side of the law as the other. 

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



BlogHub Articles:

The Werewolf of London (1935) – with and Valerie Hobson

By Greg Orypeck on Jan 28, 2016 From Classic Film Freak

Share This! ?The werewolf is neither man nor wolf, but a satanic creature with the worst qualities of both.?? ? ?? Dr. Yogami (Warner Oland) to Dr. Glendon () If nothing else, for it isn?t all that great a horror movie as horror flicks go, The Werewolf of London established any number of... Read full article

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Henry Hull Quotes:

Clint Tollinger: Just how does he operate?
Marshal Lee Sims: Well, Dade's a fat man, but don't let that fool ya. Never lifts a pudgy finger himself. You take yesterday for example - just a typical day in Dade's life. He cut himself a piece out of a trail herd that was passing through, then he roughed up the new mine workers over Meadow Creek way, then he tried to grab young Jeff Castle's homesite and then, I bet ya, he divied up the gold dust they took off that poor dead miner over at the Palace. Nothin's too small or mean for Dade Holman. Nothin's too rich or fancy, either.

Mark Williams: [Aghast and outraged at the atrocities] Hey, I've been a newspaperman for thirty years. I thought I'd seen or read about everything that one man can do to another from the torture chambers of the Middle Ages to the gang wars and lynchings of the day. But this... this is different! This was done in cold blood... by people who... who claim to be civilized. Civilzed? They're degenerate immoral idiots! Stinkin' little savages! Wipe 'em out, I say! Wipe 'em out! Wipe 'em off the face of the Earth! Wipe 'em off the face of the earth!
[Walking offscreen]
Mark Williams: The bastards! God!

Hank Younger: [referring to Callum] Some day he's gonna bite off more than he can chaw, and I wanna be there.

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Henry Hull Facts
Was induced to attempting a stage career after the Broadway success of his brother Shelly Hull.

Enrolled at Cooper Union and Columbia University and studied engineering. During one brief juncture he worked as an assayer and mineralogist.

Lived on an Old Lyme, Connecticut farm with his wife for over thirty years. Following her death in 1971 and after suffering a stroke, he moved to his daughter Joan's home in Cornwall, England.

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