Helen Westley Overview:

Character actress, Helen Westley, was born Henrietta Remsen Meserole Manney on Mar 28, 1875 in Brooklyn, New York. Westley died at the age of 67 on Dec 12, 1942 in Middlebush, NJ .



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Helen Westley Quotes:

Margaret Ridgeway: [to a gendarme who is arresting her husband] I'm his moll. Wherever he goes, I go - gangster talk!

Mrs. Hope: Mind you, he was only twelve! Richard spoke up as quick as a flash, and what do you think he said?
Susan Parker: He said, "You may use my bicycle, Geraldine. I love sports, but I love the principles of manhood more."
Mrs. Hope: I'm afraid I'm boring you.
Susan Parker: I'm sorry, Mrs. Hope, but Richard told me that story the first three times you told it to me...
Mrs. Hope: I tell it not because Richard is my son, but because I thought you, as his future wife, might be interested. Obviously I was mistaken, but mark my words, the time will come when you'll be just as devoted to Richard...
Susan Parker: I am devoted to him, only...
Mrs. Hope: Only you have a peculiar way of demonstrating your devotion!

Pastor Schultz: I do not know this Adolph Kramer, but the village thinks that the child should be taken away from him.
Blind Anna: You've just come to Dörfli, Herr Pastor, or you'd understand why.
Pastor Schultz: They say you have known Kramer for 50 years. What sort of a man is he?
Blind Anna: Who knows? He was a grand young man, except for his wild temper. And his son grew up just like him. Tobias wanted to marry a girl from Mayenfeld. Adolph disliked her and forbade it, but the boy married her just the same and brought her home. Adolph turned them away in a rage and told Tobias never to come back until he'd given up the girl.
Pastor Schultz: But why should the village hate him and fear him so?
Blind Anna: Feuds and weeds grow quickly, Herr Pastor. The people of the village sided with the boy and the father cursed them and went and built himself a hut on the mountain. Since that day, he's never spoken to a living soul.
Pastor Schultz: Frau Anna, is the child safe with him?
Blind Anna: God knows. Living alone like that has made him a strange creature.

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Helen Westley Facts
On December 12, 1942, she became the fifth famed character actress to die in within a short span of time, the others being (Dame) Marie Tempest (October 15); May Robson (October 20); Edna May Oliver (November 9); and Laura Hope Crews (November 13).

Both she and Edna May Oliver portrayed Parthy Hawks in "Show Boat" - Westley onscreen in Show Boat (1936), and Oliver onstage in 1927 and 1932. Both actresses passed away, within a month of each other, in 1942.

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