George Lazenby Overview:

Actor, George Lazenby, was born George Robert Lazenby on Sep 5, 1939 in Goulburn, Australia. As of December 2023, George Lazenby was 84 years old.



BlogHub Articles:


By Dan Day Jr. on Oct 1, 2012 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the debut of the very first James Bond film, DR. NO. Because of this, I have decided to write some Bond blogs--featuring the two least-appreciated 007s, and Timothy Dalton. It's hard to imagine what it must have been like to have to replace Sea... Read full article


By Dan Day Jr. on Oct 1, 2012 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the debut of the very first James Bond film, DR. NO. Because of this, I have decided to write some Bond blogs--featuring the two least-appreciated 007s, and Timothy Dalton. It's hard to imagine what it must have been like to have to replace Sea... Read full article

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George Lazenby Quotes:

[after Blofeld hits a tree]
James Bond: He's branched off.

Sir Hilary Bray: Our methods are very exacting. We never like to speak until we're *absolutely* certain that there can be no possibility of error on our side or... forgery on anyone else's.
James Bond: I hope I can live up to your high standards.

[a girl writes on Bond's leg under the table, to which Bond makes an awkward face]
Irma Bunt: Is anything ze matter, Sir Hilary?
James Bond: Just a slight stiffness coming on... in the shoulder.

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George Lazenby Facts
His publicist, Ronan O'Rahilly, announced that Lazenby would not make a second Bond film. After this he was released out of his Bond contract. Lazenby himself, stated afterward that he never told his publicist he was quitting Bond.

He was Golden Harvest studios original replacement for Bruce Lee after Lee died. Lazenby had already signed a contract with the studio to co-star with Lee in The Game of Death (1978), but Lee died during filming. Lazenby then replaced Lee in what was to be Lee's next film, "The Shrine of Ultimate Bliss", Stoner (1974). After that film, Yu Wang was signed to replace Lee and Lazenby moved back to his original co-starring role as the "Western Adversary". This makes Lazenby the actor that first replaced Sean Connery as James Bond and also the actor that first replaced Bruce Lee as Golden Harvest's martial arts action hero after Lee's death. Many subsequent actors would then follow Lazenby playing Bond as well as imitating Bruce Lee.

He was a close personal friend of Bruce Lee. He met Lee in 1972 and the two became fast friends. Lazenby studied Lee's personal martial arts and philosophical teaching of "Jeet Kune Do" under Lee until the time of Lee's death in 1973. Lazenby was actually going to have dinner with Bruce the night he died. Lazenby would later say that it was Lee's teachings that allowed him to go on to have such a successful business career and personal life.

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