George E. Stone Overview:

Actor, George E. Stone, was born Gerschon Lichtenstein on May 18, 1903 in Lódz, Poland. Stone died at the age of 64 on May 26, 1967 in Woodland Hills, CA .



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George E. Stone Quotes:

Ziggie Feinstein: [Pointing his finger at her] Say, on the level, don't you know where the boss is?
Miss Taylor: [Sticking her finger in his stomach] On the level, I don't, but you might try Corcoran's or maybe you've been thrown out of that speakeasy.
Ziggie Feinstein: They don't throw you out of speakeasies... they carry you out!

Mrs. Tracy Wyatt: One of my ancestors was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Sol Levy: That's all right. A relative of mine, a fellow named Moses, wrote the Ten Commandments.

Mrs. Mary Morris: You act more like you're opening a safe than a can.
Patsy: Ain't it funny how them habits hang on?

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George E. Stone Fact
He came to the United States at the age of 10 with his family. They lived in Paterson, New Jersey.

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