Job Actor, playwright, screenwriter, director
Years active 1913-1944
Top Roles Archibald A. Barlow, George Oliver Rockwell, , Velvet Fingers, Undetermined Role
Top GenresDrama, Comedy, Silent Films, Romance, Action, Adventure
Top TopicsRomance (Comic), World War II, World War I
Top Collaborators , , ,
Shares birthday with Ray Milland, Marion Davies, Anna May Wong  see more..

George B. Seitz Overview:

Director, George B. Seitz, was born George Brackett Seitz on Jan 3, 1888 in Boston, MA. Seitz died at the age of 56 on Jul 8, 1944 in Hollywood, CA .



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George B. Seitz Facts
Was not, as has been often stated, related to cinematographer John F. Seitz, although the two were friends and had actually worked together.

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