Ernest Thesiger Overview:

Character actor, Ernest Thesiger, was born Ernest Frederic Graham Thesiger on Jan 15, 1879 in London, England. Thesiger died at the age of 82 on Jan 14, 1961 in London, England and was laid to rest in Brompton Cemetery in West Brompton, England.


Ernest Thesiger was an eccentric British character actor, as emaciated as he was animated, who portrayed some memorably grotesque and sometimes quite frightening figures, most notably his Dr. Praetorius, the scientist who kept miniature beings in bottles, in "Bride of Frankenstein. Later, in post-war Britain, he played more routine roles although each had the distinctive Thesiger touch.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Ernest Thesiger Quotes:

Emperor Tiberius: Tell me, what was your impression of Pilate?
Marcellus Gallio: It's not my place to...
Emperor Tiberius: I'm asking you. Did you find him capable?
Marcellus Gallio: Yes sire, he's considered a good administrator.
Emperor Tiberius: Stern, as befits a Roman governor?
Marcellus Gallio: I'm sure of that, sire.
Emperor Tiberius: Just?
Marcellus Gallio: I - I can't say.
Emperor Tiberius: Why not? Surely you can give me some sort of an answer? Tell me, tribune - what happened out there?

Horace Femm: The fact is, Morgan is an uncivilized brute. Sometimes he drinks heavily. A night like this will set him going and once he's drunk he's rather dangerous.

Horace Femm: It's only gin, you know. Only gin. I like gin.

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Ernest Thesiger Facts
Thesiger originally played the role of Theotocopolous, the anti-technology rabble-rouser, in Things to Come (1936), but he was replaced by Sir Cedric Hardwicke because the latter was considered more marketable.

He was awarded a CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in 1960 for his services to drama.

He was mentioned in dispatches for his service in World War I.

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