Erich von Stroheim Overview:

Legendary actor, Erich von Stroheim, was born Erich Oswald Stroheim on Sep 22, 1885 in Vienna, Austria-Hungary (now Austria). von Stroheim died at the age of 71 on May 12, 1957 in Maurepas, France and was laid to rest in Woodlawn Cemetery in Santa Monica, CA.



Although von Stroheim was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1950Best Supporting ActorSunset Blvd. (1950)Max Von MayerlingNominated

He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

BlogHub Articles:

More than Max: and Foolish Wives (1922)

By shadowsandsatin on Dec 16, 2023 From Shadows and Satin

If you?re like me, you know best as Max Von Mayerling, the butler (and first husband) of aging silent movie star Norma Desmond (Gloria Swanson) in the classic 1950 noir Sunset Blvd. But there was so much more to von Stroheim than Max. While writing about von Stroheim for the soon-... Read full article

Classic Movie Legend Tribute:

By minooallen on Sep 22, 2012 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

Happy Birthday to Classic Movie Legend, , born September 22, 1885! To quote Sunset Blvd, ?There were three young directors who showed promise in those days: D. W. Griffith, Cecil B. DeMille, and Max Von Mayerling.? If you?re familiar with the film, which I’m sure you are, you... Read full article

"Blind Husbands" (1919)

By Silentfilmfanatic on Jun 1, 2010 From Noir and Chick Flicks

"Blind Husbands" (1919) is a silent romantic drama starring , Sam De Grasse, and Francelia Billington. Directed by , this film is about an Austrian military officer who is determined to seduce the neglected wife of an American surgeon. The story begins with Dr. Ar... Read full article

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Erich von Stroheim Quotes:

Joe Gillis: Tell her, Max. C'mon, do her that favor. Tell her there isn't going to be any picture. Tell her there are no fan letters other than the ones you write.
Norma Desmond: It's not true! Max!
Max Von Mayerling: Madame is the greatest star of them all.

Field Marshal Rommel: [to the British officer-prisoners] I gave you 20 questions, gentlemen. That is question 21.

Max Von Mayerling: She was the greatest of them all. You wouldn't know, you're too young. In one week she received 17,000 fan letters. Men bribed her hairdresser to get a lock of her hair. There was a maharajah who came all the way from India to beg one of her silk stockings. Later he strangled himself with it!

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Erich von Stroheim Facts
While appearing in French films, Stroheim met actress Denise Vernac who became his secretary and companion for the rest of his life. He never divorced estranged third wife Valerie Germonprez. Denise also appeared in several films with him over the years.

Biography in: John Wakeman, editor. "World Film Directors, Volume One, 1890-1945". Pages 1069-1079. New York: The H.W. Wilson Company, 1987.

Althugh von Stroheim claimed to have broken two ribs when he fell from a roof in The Birth of a Nation (1915), there is some question as to whether he actually worked on that film at all, and Joseph Henabery, one of the picture's assistant directors, says that von Stroheim didn't work for director D.W. Griffith until more than a year after this film was shot.

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