Emile Meyer Overview:

Character actor, Emile Meyer, was born on Aug 18, 1910 in New Orleans, LA. Meyer died at the age of 76 on Mar 19, 1987 in Covington, LA .


It's always something of a shock to realize that someone you thought had appeared in hundreds of films didn't make anywhere near that number. And, even though this American actor, who always looked about 48, did make just over 50, that's fewer than one had imagined. His drawn-back dark hair and furrowed brows were seen as prison wardens, sheriffs, fight managers, and cops and administrators both crooked and straight. Began acting in repertory, but films drew him in from 1950 and he also did much character work on TV. Died from Alzheimer's disease.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Emile Meyer Quotes:

Lt. Harry Kello: Come back, Sidney... I wanna chastise you...

Saul Atkins: Tollinger?
Doc Hughes: Might call him a town doctor, too. Ponca was a mighty sick town. Clint operated on it. Patient lost a lot of blood - but lived.
Saul Atkins: Town-tamer!

Jeff Castle: You figure you can tidy up a town single-handed, Mr. Tollinger?
Clint Tollinger: With a little bit of luck, yes.
Saul Atkins: He's been a hundred percent lucky and when it adds up like that, it ain't luck.

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