Donald Pleasence Overview:

Character actor, Donald Pleasence, was born Donald Henry Pleasence on Oct 5, 1919 in Worksop, England. Pleasence died at the age of 75 on Feb 2, 1995 in St.-Paul de Vence, France .


Initially distinctive, later eccentric bald-headed British character star whose pale blue eyes shone psychotically at many a harassed hero in the years following his portrayal of the murderous Dr. Crippen. One of filmdom's hardest workers, especially in the early 1960s and from the late 1970s onwards, when he took to playing scientists and detectives compelled by circumstances to believe in the supernatural. The father of actress Angela Pleasance, he died following heart-valve surgery.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



BlogHub Articles:

The Devilishly Delightful Blogathon – Final Recap

By Barry P. on Oct 31, 2022 From Cinematic Catharsis

As George Harrison once wrote, all things must pass, and so it goes with the Devilishly Delightful Blogathon. On behalf of Gill Jabob from Realweegiemidget Reviews and Yours Truly, we’d like to give a hearty thanks to everyone who took part, as well as our dear readers! I... Read full article

The Devilishly Delightful Blogathon – Day 3 Recap

By Barry P. on Oct 30, 2022 From Cinematic Catharsis

Where did the weekend go? We’ve already reached Day 3 of the Devilishly Delightfully Blogathon, hosted by Gill Jacob of Realweegiemidget Reviews and Yours Truly! Tonight, we present a quartet of posts for your enjoyment. Note: There will be a post-blogathon wrap-up tomorrow, ... Read full article

The Devilishly Delightful Blogathon – Day 2 Recap

By Barry P. on Oct 29, 2022 From Cinematic Catharsis

We’re back for Day Two of the Devilishly Delightfully Blogathon, hosted by Gill Jacob of Realweegiemidget Reviews and Yours Truly! Please enjoy today’s posts, covering some film and television titles that might have slipped beneath the radar.It’s not too late to jo... Read full article

The Devilishly Delightful Blogathon Is Here – Day 1 Recap

By Barry P. on Oct 28, 2022 From Cinematic Catharsis

Welcome to Day One of the Devilishly Delightfully Blogathon! My superb co-host Gill Jacob of Realweegiemidget Reviews and Yours Truly are proud to present this three-day event, celebrating versatile, enigmatic character actor Donald Pleasence. We have a bumper crop of posts for your... Read full article

Announcing the Devilishly Delightful Blogathon

By Barry P. on Aug 28, 2022 From Cinematic Catharsis

When Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews asked me if I was interested in co-hosting a blogathon devoted to the one and only , how could I resist? Who else but Mr. Pleasence could be a Bond villain, a blind POW, a Soviet conspirator, William Hare (of the notorious duo Burke and Hare), ... Read full article

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Donald Pleasence Quotes:

Dr. Peter Duval: The medieval philosophers were right. Man is the center of the universe. We stand in the middle of infinity between outer and inner space, and there's no limit to either.

Kobras: You cannot escape me! You can no longer jump into space! Because you are made of earth! And to earth, you shall return!

Dr. Freedom: Let me tell you about the French. They are 50 million mixed-up, sniveling crybabies who haven't stood on their two feet since Napoleon, and that wasn't yesterday. And Napoleon wasn't even French.
Mr. Freedom: He was Corsican!
Dr. Freedom: That's right, boy. So the French are the white man's burden. OUR burden. We've had to carry them through two world wars already, and we're damn well gonna have to carry them through the next.

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Donald Pleasence Facts
Shortly before his death in 1995, he was scheduled to star in a production of "King Lear" that would have featured daughters Angela Pleasence, Polly Jo Pleasence and Miranda Pleasence.

He was flying in a Lancaster NE112 "AS-M" when it was shot down on September 9th, 1944.

Was originally chosen to play Blair in The Thing (1982), but a scheduling conflict prevented him from doing so. Therefore, the role went to Wilford Brimley.

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