Clifford Odets Overview:

Director, Clifford Odets, was born on Jul 18, 1906 in Philadelphia, PA. Odets died at the age of 57 on Aug 18, 1963 in Los Angeles, CA and was laid to rest in Forest Lawn (Glendale) Cemetery in Glendale, CA.



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on Franchot Tone

By Franchot Tone Fan on Apr 25, 2015 From Finding Franchot: Exploring the Life and Career of Franchot Tone

"We suffered that season very seriously from the loss of our leading man. This was a great blow. Toward the end of the summer, Franchot Tone, after being quite erratic in his relationship to the company—he was a spoiled boy in many ways—decided to leave the Group, and everyone was sick. ... Read full article

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Clifford Odets Facts
Odets was the inspiration for the title character in the Coen Bros. film Barton Fink (1991).

Clifford Odets' original script for Wild in the Country (1961) had Elvis Presley's character committing suicide at the end of the film. This was screened for a preview audience, who were horrified, and the ending was changed. According to Odets friend, Oscar Levant, in "Memoirs of an Amnesiac", "... only Odets would write a story for Elvis in which he committed suicide. Actually, it was humiliating that Odets had to write that kind of picture at all, but he needed the money. Everything he was against, in the beginning of his career, he wound up doing himself".

Portrayed by Jeffrey DeMunn in Frances (1982), John Heard in Will There Really Be a Morning? (1983) (TV) and Lee Breuer in Committed (1984).

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