Claude Gillingwater Overview:

Actor, Claude Gillingwater, was born Claude Benton Gillingwater on Aug 2, 1870 in Louisiana, MO. Gillingwater died at the age of 69 on Nov 2, 1939 in Beverly Hills, CA .



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Claude Gillingwater Quotes:

Barbara Barry: Do you know to play piggyback?
Simon Peck: No, I don't think I do.
Barbara Barry: Oh, it's easy. Stand up. Now turn around.
Simon Peck: Like this?
Barbara Barry: Now I put my arms around your neck, and you go like this, "Ride a cock to Banbury Cross to see a fine lady upon a white horse. Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, she shall have music wherever she goes!" You run around and around while you sing it. Take my legs.
Simon Peck: [running and singing] Ride a cockhorse to Banbury Cross, to see a fine lady upon a white horse!
[a man enters his office]
Simon Peck: You get out! Can't you see I'm in conference?
[He continues running and singing]
Simon Peck: Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes...
Barbara Barry: Woah!
Simon Peck: What?
Barbara Barry: Do you always tell people to get out?
Simon Peck: I do when I'm engaged in important business!

Barbara Barry: Why do you want me to go? You're all alone, and I'm not doing anything, either. Tell me a story.
Simon Peck: I don't know any stories.
Barbara Barry: You know, you remind me of old Mr. Spindleshanks. He's the old grouch in the Betsy Weir stories who helps Betsy when she's hungry...
Simon Peck: Hungry? You aren't hungry, are you?
Barbara Barry: No, I just had lunch, and I did something bad, too.
Simon Peck: What did you do?
Barbara Barry: Well, we had spinach, and while Jimmy wasn't looking, I put mine on his plate!
Simon Peck: You should've eaten your spinach. It's good for you.
Barbara Barry: So I've heard.
Simon Peck: Where are you going?
Barbara Barry: I'm going to get along.
Simon Peck: Why?
Barbara Barry: You said for me to.
Simon Peck: I never said anything of the sort. All I said was that spinach was good for you.

Judge: Young lady, do you realize that you're guilty of contempt of court?
Betsy Brown: I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Judge, but it just made me mad to hear Miss Wendling say those things about my friends. They're not true. They're wonderful actors, just wonderful!
Judge: This young lady doesn't seem to agree with you, Miss Wendling.
Betsy Brown: That's because she never saw them act, did you, Miss Wendling? And if you saw them act, Mr. Judge, if you saw Jimmy and his Jazz Bandits and everyone, you'd think they were wonderful, too!
Perry: Your honor, if it pleases the court...
Judge: Just a minute. I believe this court could be saved a lot of time and argument by following the splendid suggestion that has just been made. It seems the immediate issue in this case is whether the plaintiff's wish to invest his money in a theatrical production is a sound one. I want to see the show right here in this courtroom tomorrow!

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Claude Gillingwater Facts
Performed on Broadway from 1899-1919.

Was injured in an accident at Paramount Studios in February 1936 and never fully recovered. His suicide note stated that he was worried about his failing health, and possibly becoming an invalid. He did not want to become a burden to anyone, so he chose to take his own life.

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