Job Actor
Years active 1953-92
Known for Villains; Sheriff Elroy P. Lobo on TV's The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo
Top Roles Rev. Jeremiah Brown, Joe Burdette, Horrible, Big Soldier, Mack
Top GenresDrama, Western, War, Crime, Action, Romance
Top TopicsWorld War II, Book-Based, Romance (Drama)
Top Collaborators (Producer), , , (Director)
Shares birthday with Jeanne Crain, Charles Barton, Steve Cochran  see more..

Claude Akins Overview:

Character actor, Claude Akins, was born Claude Marion Akins on May 25, 1926 in Nelson, GA. Akins appeared in over 225 film and TV roles. His best known films include Rio Bravo, The Defiant Ones, The Caine Mutiny, The Devil's Brigade, Inherit the Wind, Comanche Station and The Killers (1964). Akins also starred as Sheriff Elroy P. Lobo in the TV series The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo (1979-1981). Akins died at the age of 67 on Jan 27, 1994 in Altadena, CA .


Burly, surly-looking and in the 'Ernest Borgnine tradition', Claude Akins had a late start in films and almost inevitably found himself cast as villains. Equally inevitably, it seemed, his later career brought better and more sympathetic roles, and his cheerful grin was also to be seen in leading roles in TV series.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Claude Akins Quotes:

[Major Towns has proposed a fool-hardy plan of attack]
Sergeant: The Major is in a hurry to get buried on a Montana mountain.

Elwood Coates: [to himself] Now we gonna get all the money Whiskey Man. We don't have to share it with nobody.

Ben Lane: A lot of money has a way of making a man all greed inside.
Jefferson Cody: Such as?
Ben Lane: It can get him to thinking of doing things he might not otherwise do. You know, it's a long way to Lawrenceburg. It wouldn't surprise me if somebody didn't try to take that woman away from you.
Jefferson Cody: Like you, for instance?
Ben Lane: Like me, in particular.

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Claude Akins Facts
Graduate of Northwestern University.

Those who remember him for the many villains he played, especially early in his career, might be surprised to know that his father was a police officer in Claude's home town of Bedford, Indiana.

He has an entry in Jean Tulard's "Dictionnaire du cinéma/Les acteurs" published in Paris in 2007 by Robert Laffont/Bouquins, pg. 17 (ISBN: 978-2-221-10895-6).

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