Charles Waldron Overview:

Actor, Charles Waldron, was born Charles Dieudonnee Waldron on Dec 23, 1874 in Waterford, NY. Waldron died at the age of 71 on Mar 4, 1946 in Hollywood, CA .



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Charles Waldron Quotes:

District Attorney: [while he's shaving] So now, you believe both murders were committed by the same man, ay?
Michael Ward: Yes, I do.
District Attorney: Well, maybe you're right. As you pointed out, there are certain similarities between the two crimes, but you missed perhaps the most important: both murders were discovered by the same man - you!
Michael Ward: What are you driving at?
District Attorney: Tell me, has there ever been any insanity in your family?

Bishop of Tarbes: [he has ordered that the grotto be closed until the Emperor gives the order to open it] I wonder, my dear Peyramale, who will win - the Emperor or the Lady?

General Sternwood: You knew him too?
Philip Marlowe: Yes, in the old days, when he used to run rum out of Mexico and I was on the other side. We used to swap shots between drinks, or drinks between shots, whichever you like.
General Sternwood: My respects to you, sir. Few men ever swapped more than one shot with Sean Regan.

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Charles Waldron Facts
Daughter, Donnee; son, Charles A. Waldron.

Father of actor Charles Waldron Jr..

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