Cathy O'Donnell Overview:

Actor, Cathy O'Donnell, was born Ann Steely on Jul 6, 1923 in Siluria, AL. O'Donnell died at the age of 46 on Apr 11, 1970 in Los Angeles, CA .



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Cathy O'Donnell Quotes:

[opening narration]
Sheila Wayne: And then through the branches of the old trees I see the house again. It sits there waiting for me. Silent, malignant. A place of unspeakable horror. There is no one there now. On a mailbox beside the driveway, I can make out the name of the people who lived there once: Tierney. But the Tierneys must have all gone away a long time ago. And the house stands like a moldering tombstone to a world that died. There is an old-fashioned knocker on the door. An unseen hand always opens the door for me. I always go up the shadowy stairway as if I know exactly where to find the answer to what has drawn me here. It's behind a little unmarked door. And some unearthly power swings it open to receive me. I look up that narrow, dusty stairway, and for a moment that is so brief, so filled with terror that my mind cannot hold onto it, I know why I had to come to this place.

Sheila Wayne: All I know is that death in its most hideous form waits for me at the top of those stairs.

[closing narration]
Sheila Wayne: We left the old house: silent and foreboding, a place of horror and death. It was truly haunted. No one would ever live there again. It was a house of madness.

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Cathy O'Donnell Facts
Most sources give her birth year as 1925, but some give 1923.

Her parents separated when she was a child.

Sister-in-law of William Wyler, niece-in-law of Carl Laemmle, cousin-in-law of Carl Laemmle Jr.

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