Burt Ward Overview:

Actor, Burt Ward, was born Bert John Gervis Jr. on Jul 6, 1945 in Los Angeles, CA. As of December 2023, Burt Ward was 78 years old.



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Burt Ward Quotes:

Robin: Holy jumble! Where's the hope of the world now?

Vice Admiral Fangschliester: - to some chap named "P. N. Guin".
Batman: P. N. Guin...
Robin: Penguin!

Robin: Holy bikini!

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Burt Ward Facts
When asked to give a speech at Harvard about his role on "Batman" (1966), he brought the original costume, said to be valued at a half-million dollars. Some students came up to him dressed as security guards and told him they would keep the costume safe. Then in the middle of the speech, one student stood up and asked, "When is a costume not a costume? When it's stolen." The lights dimmed and the students grabbed the costume and made off. After snapping pictures with one another in the cape, they later called Ward and gave the costume back. The ringleader of the gang? Harvard Lampoon editor Conan O'Brien.

He was the world's youngest professional skater at the age of three.

It has been suggested that Ward was given that screen name by the producers of the Batman TV series because his character Dick Grayson was Bruce Wayne's Ward. Ward says he chose the screen name himself as it was his mother's maiden name.

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