Brad Dexter Overview:

Character actor, Brad Dexter, was born Boris Malanovich on Apr 9, 1917 in Goldfield, NV. Dexter died at the age of 85 on Dec 12, 2002 in Rancho Mirage, CA .


Brad Dexter was a big, muscular, stiff-moving American actor who looked as though he had wandered in from a Russ Meyer movie, but tended to play grating villains who had as much brain as brawn. A talented amateur boxer, he became more interested in acting and did well for a while in the Hollywood of the early 1950s. Later he turned producer, sometimes producing films starring Frank Sinatra, a personal friend whose life Dexter once saved in a swimming mishap. The only actor of the "The Magnificent Seven" not to become a major star. At one time, he was married to singer Peggy Lee.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Brad Dexter Quotes:

Harry Luck: I heard you got a contract open.
Chris: Well, not for a high-stepper like you.
Harry Luck: A dollar bill always looks as big to me as a bedspread.

Alonzo D. Emmerich: Shut up.
Bob Brannom: How's that? No one tells me to shut up.

Harry Luck: No tricks now, Chris.
Chris Adams: Harry! It's good to see you again.
Harry Luck: Chris.
Chris Adams: What are you doing in this dump?
Harry Luck: I heard you've got a contract open.
Chris Adams: Not for a high-stepper like you.
Harry Luck: A dollar bill always looks as big to me as a bedspread.

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Brad Dexter Facts
Was the second husband of Miss Peggy Lee.

Is best known for his role as Harry Luck, one of the title characters of The Magnificent Seven (1960). However, he is the one of the seven whom no one can ever remember.

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