Job Actor * Motorcycle enthusiast
Years active 1943-80 (actor) * 1970-95 (motorcyclist)
Top Roles Wesley Winfield, Tom Rycker, Mickey, Jim Thorpe as a Boy, Boy
Top GenresComedy, Drama, Romance, Film Noir, Western, Musical
Top TopicsBook-Based, Romance (Comic), Romance (Drama)
Top Collaborators (Director), (Director), (Producer),
Shares birthday with Kay Francis, Gwen Verdon, Robert Stack  see more..

Billy Gray Overview:

Actor, Billy Gray, was born William Thomas Gray on Jan 13, 1938 in Los Angeles, CA. As of December 2023, Billy Gray was 86 years old.



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Billy Gray Quotes:

Bobby Benson: [indicating grave marker during a visit to Arlington] That's my father. He was killed at Anzio.
Klaatu: Did all those people die in wars?
Bobby Benson: Most of 'em. Didn't you ever hear of the Arlington Cemetery?
Klaatu: No, I'm afraid not.
Bobby Benson: You don't seem to know much about anything, do you, Mr. Carpenter?
Klaatu: Well, I'll tell you, Bobby, I've been away a long time. Very far away.
Bobby Benson: Is it different where you've been? Don't they have places like this?
Klaatu: Well, they have cemeteries, but not like this one. You see, they don't have any wars.
Bobby Benson: Gee, that's a good idea.

Wesley Winfield: Marjorie's old petticoat! You've got me in Marjorie's old petticoat!

Bobby Benson: Department of Commerce. She's a secretary. They have a man they call the Secretary, but he isn't at all. My mother's a *real* secretary.

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Billy Gray Facts
Son of actress Beatrice Gray.

Portrays Bryan Foy as a teen in The Seven Little Foys (1955).

His resemblance to actor Martin Sheen was exploited in the film short Porklips Now (1980), a parody of Apocalypse Now (1979), where he played the character of Health Inspector Will Dullard, based om Sheen's performance of Capt. Benjamin L. Willard.

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