Case of the Missing Hare

Case of the Missing Hare

Bugs Bunny: Let's see now. Uh, you was trying to prestigogiga... prestadagigoo... pro presta... pull a rabbit out of the hat. Regardez!
[Bugs dives into the hat]
Bugs Bunny: Rootah, Vootah, Zoot!
[He pulls himself from the hat by the ears and takes several bows]

--Mel Blanc (as ) in Case of the Missing Hare

The Big Snooze

The Big Snooze

Bugs Bunny: Let's see. What can I do to this guy next...?
[reads from a book titled One Thousand and One Arabian Nightmares]
Bugs Bunny: Oh, no! It's too gruesome!... but I'll do it.

--Mel Blanc (as ) in The Big Snooze

The Heckling Hare

The Heckling Hare

Bugs Bunny: Let's see...what can I do to this guy next?

--Mel Blanc (as ) in The Heckling Hare

Rabbit Seasoning

Rabbit Seasoning

Bugs Bunny: Like they say, never send a duck to do a rabbit's job.

--Mel Blanc (as ) in Rabbit Seasoning

Elmer's Pet Rabbit

Elmer's Pet Rabbit

Bugs Bunny: Look at him stuffing himself while poor little rabbits lie out here starving!

--Mel Blanc (as ) in Elmer's Pet Rabbit

Case of the Missing Hare

Case of the Missing Hare

Bugs Bunny: Look, Doc. Do I go around nailing signs over your house? Do I? There's still such a thing as private property, you know. Did you ever hear about the inalienable right of the sanctity of the home?

--Mel Blanc (as ) in Case of the Missing Hare

Sahara Hare

Sahara Hare

Bugs Bunny: Man, dig this crazy beach. Must be low tide.
[Sees an oasis in the distance]
Bugs Bunny: Hey, there's a park over there. Wonder if that's where the water is?
[At the oasis he finds a small watering hole]
Bugs Bunny: So this is the Big Pond. Big deal! I always pictured the Atlantic Ocean as so much bigger.

--Mel Blanc (as ) in Sahara Hare

Baby Buggy Bunny

Baby Buggy Bunny

Bugs Bunny: No, no, no, no. You mustn't play with the money. It's very dirty.
[Finster holds his breath and starts turning blue]
Bugs Bunny: Finster, stop that! Why are you holding your breath?
[Finster points at the money]
Bugs Bunny: Okay, kid, here, here you are.
[Gives him the bag of money; Finster breathes again and coos happily]
Bugs Bunny: Gosh, don't do that again. You had me scared.

--Mel Blanc (as ) in Baby Buggy Bunny

French Rarebit

French Rarebit

Bugs Bunny: Now just an odie calone minute Doc!

--Mel Blanc (as ) in French Rarebit

Baby Buggy Bunny

Baby Buggy Bunny

Bugs Bunny: Now we'll play some nice games before beddy-time.
[Baby Finster pulls out a "toy" gun and aims it at Bugs]
Bugs Bunny: Oh, goodness! Hopalong Finster's gonna shoot big bad-guy rabbit with his toy pistol!
[Bugs gets blasted in the face]
Bugs Bunny: Some toy.

--Mel Blanc (as ) in Baby Buggy Bunny

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