Bowery Bugs

Bowery Bugs

Bugs Bunny: Eh, what's up, Doc?
Steve Brody: Sorry, Mac. Me luck's run out, and I gotta have a good luck charm - and you're it!
Bugs Bunny: Now wait a minute, Doc. Let's not be hasty. Rabbit's feet ain't lucky.
Steve Brody: No?
Bugs Bunny: No, look at the life rabbits lead. Dogs, hunters, hasenpfeffer... these rabbit's feet never brought me any luck.

--Mel Blanc (as Bugs Bunny / Old Man / Little Pool Hall Man) in Bowery Bugs

The Unruly Hare

The Unruly Hare

Bugs Bunny: Eh, what's up, Doc?
Elmer Fudd: I just put a scwewy wabbit out of his misewy.
Bugs Bunny: It's murder, he says! How gruesome.
[Peeks down rabbit hole with Elmer]
Bugs Bunny: [Whispering] Don't look now, Doc, but you missed me.

--Mel Blanc (as ) in The Unruly Hare

Slick Hare

Slick Hare

Bugs Bunny: Eh, what's up, Doc?
Elmer Fudd: Pardon me, Mister Wabbit, but Mr. Humphwey Bogart would just wove to have you for dinner.
Bugs Bunny: Yeah? Well, that's mighty neighborly of him. You tell Bogie if he wants me, all he has to do is just whistle.
[Turns on a tea kettle to make it whistle; pops up wearing coattails and top hat]
Bugs Bunny: Good evening, Maitre d'. Am I the first to arrive? Eh, by the way, what's on the menu for tonight? In other words... eh, what's cooking, doc?
Elmer Fudd: Oh, eh, something vewy special. Fried wabbit.
Bugs Bunny: Fried wabbit? Mmm-mm! Love it, love it, looove it! Eh, let's have a peek at it, shall we?
Elmer Fudd: Well, wight over here.
[Puts a mirror in the pot for Bugs to see himself in it]
Bugs Bunny: Now there's a delicious-looking rabbit.
[Realizes he's looking at his reflection; turns to Elmer]
Bugs Bunny: [Very fast] Oh, I just remembered, previous engagement, I must be going, my apologies to Mr. Bogart, matter of life and death, unavoidable, gotta go.

--Mel Blanc (as ) in Slick Hare

A Hare Grows In Manhattan

A Hare Grows In Manhattan

Bugs Bunny: Eh, what's up, dogs?
Dog #1: What is it?
Dog #2: Hey, maybe it's a giraffe, the giraffe!
Spike: Nah, that ain't no giraffe. A giraffe's got a long neck like this
[Pulls on Bugs' neck]
Spike: Hey, fellows, it's a rabbit.
Dog #1: Oh, a rabbit.
Spike: Dog pile on the rabbit!
Dogs: [as they all jump on top of Bugs] Dog pile on the rabbit! Dog pile on the rabbit! Dog pile on the rabbit!...
Bugs Bunny: [Hopping on top of the dog pile] Dog pile on the rabbit! Dog pile on the rabbit! Dog pile on the rabbit!

--Mel Blanc (as ) in A Hare Grows In Manhattan

Ali Baba Bunny

Ali Baba Bunny

Bugs Bunny: Eh, what's up, duck?

--Mel Blanc (as ) in Ali Baba Bunny

The Old Grey Hare

The Old Grey Hare

Bugs Bunny: Eh, what's up, prune face?
Elmer J. Fudd: Shhh! I'm wooking for a wittle gwey wabbit.
Bugs Bunny: Tell me, droopy, what's he look like?
Elmer J. Fudd: He wooks... just wike you!
[aims gun at Bugs]
Bugs Bunny: Not so fast there, Grandpaw.

--Mel Blanc (as ) in The Old Grey Hare

A Hare Grows In Manhattan

A Hare Grows In Manhattan

Bugs Bunny: Eh, whatcha looking for?
Spike: I'm looking for a rabbit.
Bugs Bunny: Did he had long ears, a fuzzy tail, and hop around like this?
[Hops around]
Spike: Yeah, yeah. That's him.
Bugs Bunny: And is there a tough-looking mug chasing him, with a derby,
[Puts on Spike's derby]
Bugs Bunny: ... and a turtleneck sweater,
[Puts on Spike's sweater]
Bugs Bunny: ... and a big cigar,
[Takes Spike's cigar]
Bugs Bunny: ... and acts like this?
[Acts like a bulldog]
Spike: Yeah, yeah. That he does.
Bugs Bunny: And when you ain't looking, does he let you have it like this?
[Punches Spike]
Spike: Yeah, that's the guy! That's the... Hey, wait a minute! Which way did he go?
Bugs Bunny: Sorry, Mac. Haven't seen him.

--Mel Blanc (as ) in A Hare Grows In Manhattan

Baby Buggy Bunny

Baby Buggy Bunny

Bugs Bunny: Finster shaving at his age? And tattooed? And smoking a cigar?

--Mel Blanc (as ) in Baby Buggy Bunny

Baby Buggy Bunny

Baby Buggy Bunny

Bugs Bunny: Finster? Finster, where are you?
[Finster is sneaking away with the bag of money; Bugs comes behind him and tickles him]
Bugs Bunny: Cootchy-cootchy-cootchy!
[Finster hits him over the head with bag]
Bugs Bunny: [Dazed] Cootchy.

--Mel Blanc (as ) in Baby Buggy Bunny

Hare Force

Hare Force

Bugs Bunny: Gee, ain't I a stinker?

--Mel Blanc (as ) in Hare Force

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