Cattle Empire

Cattle Empire

Garth: Lots of trials we rode together, Cord. Lots of things I learned from you.
John Cord: You can forget 'em.
Garth: Some things a man doesn't forget, like John Cord's rule for a herd-drinking special - always carry your own keg of whiskey. Let the men break it open in camp to let off some steam. Keeps them from werecking an innocent town.
John Cord: I don't seem to remember that at the trial.

--Joel McCrea (as ) in Cattle Empire

Cattle Empire

Cattle Empire

Garth: Nothing to it, Cord. Betwen us we could build the biggest cattle empire this country has ever seen.
John Cord: I'm not interested in cattle empires, but for the Fort Clemson drive, you got yourself a trail boss.

--Joel McCrea (as ) in Cattle Empire

Buffalo Bill

Buffalo Bill

Ned Buntline: You know the Indian, Cody, don't you?
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Nobody knows the Indian. I've had to fight them since I was fourteen. Pony Express, stage driver, scouting. Indians never do what you'd expect.

--Joel McCrea (as William Frederick 'Buffalo Bill' Cody) in Buffalo Bill

Ride the High Country

Ride the High Country

Elsa Knudsen: My father says there's only right and wrong - good and evil. Nothing in between. It isn't that simple, is it?
Steve Judd: No, it isn't. It should be, but it isn't.

--Joel McCrea (as ) in Ride the High Country

Ride the High Country

Ride the High Country

Elsa Knudsen: What's gonna happen to him?
Steve Judd: The boy? I'll testify for him. They shouldn't be too hard.
Elsa Knudsen: Will you testify for Mr. Westrum?
Elsa Knudsen: No, I wont.
Elsa Knudsen: Why?
Steve Judd: Because he was my friend.

--Joel McCrea (as ) in Ride the High Country

Sullivan's Travels

Sullivan's Travels

The Girl: I liked you better as a bum.
John L. Sullivan: I can't help what kind of people you like.

--Joel McCrea (as John Lloyd Sullivan) in Sullivan's Travels

Buffalo Bill

Buffalo Bill

Louisa Frederici Cody: Your fond of me powderface aren't you?
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Any Horse would be ma'am, you lite to carry and you sit quiet
Louisa Frederici Cody: That what you said the first time we met, you repeating yourself Bill
William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Powderface is a horse of sound judgment ma'am and his sentiments are alright with me anybody he fond of, I'm fond of

--Joel McCrea (as William Frederick 'Buffalo Bill' Cody) in Buffalo Bill

Colorado Territory

Colorado Territory

Julie Ann Winslow: Did you ever think you'd like to travel a long way off... as far and as high as the moon... and stay there for good... forever... and forget all about things down here?
Wes McQueen: There's been plenty of times I wanted to get away from where I was.
Julie Ann Winslow: That far away?
Wes McQueen: Yeah, that far.
Julie Ann Winslow: You never talk about yourself. I don't know anything about you at all.
Wes McQueen: There's nothing to tell. Like you said, wanting to get far off from what you've been. This is far off.

--Joel McCrea (as ) in Colorado Territory

The Most Dangerous Game

The Most Dangerous Game

Bob Rainsford: This world's divided into two kinds of people: the hunter and the hunted. Luckily I'm the hunter. Nothing can change that.

--Joel McCrea (as Bob) in The Most Dangerous Game

Bed of Roses

Bed of Roses

Dan: Is it a good job?
Lorry Evans: Bed of roses.
Dan: Oughta smell good.

--Joel McCrea (as ) in Bed of Roses

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